Customer service | Payment

My monthly amount

We calculate the total costs for a whole year in advance for your monthly amount. We do this based on your consumption profile, any self-generation, your address and the prices of the past 2 weeks. On the basis of this calculation, you will first receive two advances, after which a settlement will take place per month based on actual consumption.

Je kunt je maandbedrag zelf wijzigen via ons klantportaal. Houd er wel rekening mee dat je wijziging invloed kan hebben op je jaarafrekening. Bij Energie Monster berekenen we je maandbedrag op basis van je verbruiksgegevens en het actuele BTW-tarief en proberen we te zorgen voor een begrijpelijke jaarafrekening met een zo klein mogelijk verschil tussen verwachting en werkelijkheid.

Energie Monster doesn't like surprises afterward. To prevent you from being shocked by your annual accounts at the end of the year, we follow developments in the energy market. In concrete terms, this can mean an increase or decrease in your monthly amount. We take into account energy prices, the current VAT rate (9% or 21%) and your expected annual consumption. It can therefore happen that your monthly statement suddenly turns out to be slightly higher or lower. If you have any questions about this, please call or email the support department of Energie Monster.

Energy prices have been a daily news topic lately. Energy suppliers in our country can do little to change the rise in cost and the government is doing its utmost to compensate for the absurd price increases. The only thing Energie Monster can do as an energy supplier and purchaser is to purchase as competitively as possible and to deliver as cheaply as possible. But we cannot avoid unforeseen price increases and are therefore forced to implement the price increases. So, keep yourself well-informed about government regulations.

Consumption profiles are curves based on a table of figures that show the relative consumption for a certain type of customer per quarter of an hour (for electricity) or per hour (for natural gas) of a full year. 

In the run-up to the price ceiling that will take effect on 1 January 2023, the government will provide an energy compensation of €190 per month for November and December 2022. You will receive this energy compensation through your energy supplier.

In the months of November and December 2022 you will therefore receive a credit note of €190 from us. This amount will be paid in the following months (December and January) to the account number known to us. Do you still have outstanding invoices? Then the credit amount will be deducted from this. 

Invoices and payment

At Energie Monster you can only pay by direct debit.  

Every month, you will receive the monthly invoice by e-mail. Would you like to see an overview of all invoices already received? Which can! Log in to our customer portal, where you will find all invoices that have already been sent to you. 

Should it ever happen that a collection attempt has failed? Then we will make a new collection attempt. 

You are responsible for sufficient balance on the relevant payment account. If this collection attempt also fails, you will receive a payment reminder from us. We can also decide to stop supplying energy if payment is not forthcoming.

Do you want to change the direct debit to a new account number? Then please contact our support department. They can help you with a new direct debit authorization. 

Our collection date is standard around the 22nd of the month. 

The disconnection of energy does not just happen, it is preceded by several payment reminders and correspondence. If you do not wish to be disconnected, please contact our support department as soon as possible. They can tell you what is possible to prevent these undesirable situations.