Home | GOs

Greening made easy

Easily monetize your electricity with the help of GOs! You choose European or Dutch Guarantees of Origin, based on sun, wind, hydropower or biomass.


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Digital certificate

A Guarantee of Origin is a digital certificate that shows the origin of energy. For every megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable electricity, a GO is generated.   

 Choose the origin

If you opt for green electricity, you can choose which source it was generated by and where it comes from. You can choose solar energy, wind energy, hydropower or biomass.

European system

A European system guarantees that no more certificates are issued than green energy is generated. In the Netherlands, CertiQ is responsible for registration and issuance. 

Easy greening

With Guarantees of Origin, greening becomes extra easy. For example, do you want to reimburse your gray electricity and compensate for CO2? Let our energy experts advise you. 

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